The Children’s Book Company is a luxury publishing house for children’s educational books. We work with award winning illustrators and New York Times best selling editors to produce the most beautifully illustrated and educational books of its kind on the market. As supporters of literacy and business skills in early childhood, we wanted to create a series of books that reflected Britt's dedication to crafting books that are as informative and funny as they are beautiful.
Born to immigrant parents with a fiery drive and passion to succeed, Britt J. Rozenblat began working straight out of the womb. Her first job was CEO of her parents’ household, which she ran like a slight (ok FULL) dictatorship. As a real estate investor, developer, and full-time mother and wife, she uses her financial knowledge and witty attitude to educate her toddler son and his friends. Always mindful of the value of a dollar, she hopes to inspire a new younger generation of future investors.
Britt Rozenblat created The Children’s Book Company as a sanctuary for parents wanting to offer their children a luxury educational experience while teaching them relevant concepts. Adult’s adorn their homes with coffee table books, children ornament their shelves with books. On a superficial level, our books will add ambiance and spruce up your child’s space, but most importantly they will pique their intellectual curiosity.
Housed in the landmark Sun Life building, The Children’s Book Company believes that the buildings' neoclassical heritage helps maintain the company’s core principals of cultural preservation, education and beauty.